
  • Prizes are awarded to the nonprofit, not the donor.
  • Nonprofits are only eligible to win one incentive prize during Brazos Valley Gives unless noted.
  • The nonprofits that won Matching Funds during the September 26th Kickoff Meeting will be eligible for an incentive prize.
  • All participating nonprofits will be eligible for the Golden Ticket Drawing[s].
  • Incentive prizes and Golden Ticket Drawings will be announced and presented during the November Brazos Valley Gives Community Celebration of Philanthropy.
  • Only donations processed through the Brazos Valley Gives platform will be considered in determining prizes.
  • Match dollars obtained by a nonprofit are NOT included in determining incentive prizes.
  • A unique donor is defined by the Email Address, First Name, and Last Name combination used on the donor’s payment details. Multiple donations from one donor to the same nonprofit will count as one gift.

Early Bird Gets the worm

Random drawing of nonprofits that complete registration and pay before Friday, August 2 (noon)


Sponsored by Brazos Valley Gives Operations Fund

BV Gives Survey Match

Random drawing of nonprofits that completed the BV Gives survey by Friday, May 17


Sponsored by Brazos Valley Gives Operations Fund

Program Insurance Matching Fund

2 Random drawings of participating nonprofits 

$250 Each

Sponsored by Program Insurance Group

Fries Financial Matching Fund

3 Random drawings of participating nonprofits

$500 each

Sponsored by Fries Financial

Social Media Butterfly

Nonprofit with highest number of posts with the BV Gives sign and #BVGives2024


Sponsored by Bud Cross Ford

Double the Fun

Random drawing of nonprofits that raise a minimum of $3,500 in Matching Funds as of

October 14 [5 pm]


Sponsored by Ray of Hope

Early Giving Champion

Nonprofit that receives the most # of donations during the Early Giving period


Sponsored by Amarillo National Bank

New in 2024

Random drawing of all NEW nonprofits that joined Brazos Valley Gives in 2024


Sponsored by Amarillo National Bank


Nonprofit that secured the most number of donors on one of their peer-to-peer fundraising pages


Sponsored by David Gardner's Jewelers

P-2-p Fundraising

Random drawing of nonprofits with peer-to-peer fundraising pages that raised at least $250 in donations


Sponsored by Tom Light Legacy

Surpass the past

Returning nonprofit with the highest percent increase in unique donors over last year


Sponsored by Brazos Valley Gives Operations Fund

New Nonprofit - Most Donors

Nonprofit participating for the first time that has the most # of unique donors on October 15


Sponsored by Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley

Golden Ticket

Random drawing of all participating nonprofits; drawing will take place during the November Celebration.


Sponsored by Amazon Prime Air

Golden Ticket

Random drawing of all participating nonprofits; drawing will take place during the November Celebration.


Sponsored by Tom Light Legacy

Golden Ticket

Random drawing of all participating nonprofits; drawing will take place during the November Celebration.


Sponsored by College Station Ford

Golden Ticket

Random drawing of all participating nonprofits; drawing will take place during the November Celebration.


Sponsored by West, Webb, Allbritton & Gentry

Golden Ticket

Random drawing of all participating nonprofits; drawing will take place during the November Celebration.


Sponsored by GLP Technologies - Clay Gerngross

Golden Ticket

Random drawing of all participating nonprofits; drawing will take place during the November Celebration.


Sponsored by Judy & Larry Holt

Golden Ticket

Random drawing of all participating nonprofits; drawing will take place during the November Celebration.


Sponsored by Ray of Hope

Golden Ticket

Random drawing of all participating nonprofits; drawing will take place during the November Celebration.


Sponsored by Amarillo National Bank

Golden Ticket

Random drawing of all participating nonprofits; drawing will take place during the November Celebration.


Sponsored by David Gardner's Jewelers

5:00-6:00 AM

Good Morning Brazos Valley

Nonprofit with the most # of unique donors between

5:00-6:00 AM


Sponsored by Ray of Hope

6:00-7:00 AM

Maximizing the Power of Giving

Nonprofit that raises the most dollars between 6:00-7:00 AM


Sponsored by Higginbotham Insurance & Community Foundation

7:00-8:00 AM

Sunrise Special

Nonprofit with the most # of unique donors between

7:00-8:00 AM


Sponsored by Sally & Jack Buckley

8:00-9:00 AM

Home is Where the Heart Is

Nonprofit that raises the most dollars between 8:00-9:00 AM


Sponsored by Stylecraft

9:00-10:00 AM

Morning Drive for a Good Cause

Nonprofit that raises the most dollars between 5:00-10:00 AM


Sponsored by Brenham Chrysler Jeep Dodge & Anonymous

10:00-11:00 AM


Small nonprofit [less than $100K budget] with the most # of unique donors between

10:00-11:00 AM


Sponsored by American Momentum & Wendi Stratta

11:00-12:00 noon

Love Where You Live!

Nonprofit that receives the most # of unique donors from the most # of different US States between 5:00 AM-12 Noon


Sponsored by The Veranda

12:00-1:00 pM

You Can Bank on It!

Nonprofit that raises the most dollars between 12:00-1:00 PM


Sponsored by Amarillo National Bank

1:00-2:00 pM

Giving for the Good

Nonprofit that raises the most dollars between 1:00-2:00 PM


Sponsored by Polli Satterwhite

2:00-3:00 pM

Clean Giving and Clean Living

Nonprofit that raises the most dollars between 2:00-3:00 PM


Sponsored by Marti Marberry

3:00-4:00 pM

Warm Hearts for Giving

Nonprofit that raises the most dollars between 12:00-4:00 PM


Sponsored by Janie & Fain McDougal

4:00-5:00 pM

Ensure Your Success

Nonprofit with the most # of unique donors between

4:00-5:00 PM


Sponsored by ANCO

5:00-6:00 pM

A Case for Giving

Nonprofit that raises the most dollars between 5:00-6:00 PM


Sponsored by Tedi & Chuck Ellison

6:00-7:00 pM

Building Success!

Nonprofit with the most # of unique donors between

6:00-7:00 PM


Sponsored by KD Homebuilders

7:00-8:00 pM

Scoop of Philanthropy

Nonprofit that raises the most dollars between 4:00-8:00 PM


Sponsored by Bluebell Creameries

8:00-9:00 AM

Celebrate @ Eight

Nonprofit that raises the most dollars between 8:00-9:00 PM


Sponsored by Vicki & Ron Schmidt - Texas Commercial Waste

9:00-10:00 pM

9 - Time to Unwind!

Nonprofit with the most # of unique donors between

9:00-10:00 PM


Sponsored by Ray of Hope

10:00-11:00 pM

Knock, Knock - it's 10 o'clock

Nonprofit that raises the most dollars between

10:00-11:00 PM


Sponsored by Watson Law Firm

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