Sponsors, Community Partners, and Media

Sponsors, Community Partners, and Media are critical to the continued success of Brazos Valley Gives

Serving as a Brazos Valley Gives Sponsor increases brand recognition while showing support for our nonprofit community. Depending on the sponsorship level, your name will be seen and heard hundreds of times during the Giving Day campaign. Community giving is at the heart of the Brazos Valley, and the continued growth and success of Brazos Valley Gives is due in large part to our generous sponsors.

Sponsor Contacts:

Julie Porter, Co-Chair (979) 777-0032

Molly Watson, Co-Chair (979) 450-4223

Media Contact:

Molly Watson, Co-Chair and Marketing & Communications

(979) 450-4223,

Presenting Sponsor

Champion Sponsor

Thanks to our Community Sponsors

Thanks to our Media Sponsors

Thanks to our Community Partners

American Momentum Bank

Brenham Chrysler Jeep Dodge

Bud Cross Ford

Copy Corner

Copy Stop

Higginbotham Insurance - Bryan Brown

Program Insurance Group - Dwight Groves

Wendi Stratta

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