Since 1992, Wreaths Across America (WAA) has placed live balsam fir wreaths on veteran graves each December. In 2023, over 2 million volunteers and supporters placed almost 2.7 million wreaths at 4,200+ locations nationwide and overseas.
In 2015, the Brazos Valley joined WAA's patriotic mission by placing 117 wreaths on veteran graves in the 4 Bryan-College Station City cemeteries. Through the support of individuals like you and our community partners, we have been able to grow exponentially. In 2023, 2,880 wreaths were placed in all 4 City cemeteries and 56 other Brazos Valley cemeteries.
WAA collaborates with other veteran and civic groups to place American flags on veteran graves for Memorial Day and Veterans Day, as well as many other community events. WAA is also involved in locating, leveling, and cleaning veteran headstones/markers (over 2,000 so far) and cleaning cemeteries. We enjoy the year-round education part of WAA's mission with many school and community programs.
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More Information About this Organization
Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley
Phone Number: 979-589-4305
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2622 Bryan, TX 77805
Office Address: 1733 Briarcrest Dr. Suite 209 Bryan, TX 77802