A Home Base for Transitioning Foster Youth DBA Unlimited Potential
About this Organization
Unlimited Potential provides a variety of support to former foster youth as they work to create a life they love as an adult. We provide housing assistance, basic needs, case management, free counseling, life skills classes, medical and legal advocacy, and more. In addition, we recruit, train, and equip volunteers and mentors to work directly with the youth and assist with transportation, childcare, and educational needs. Mentors serve in a one to one role with clients to encourage them and help them work through the challenges of life that are far too challenging to handle alone. UP provides counseling free of charge to clients, as well as alternative "quality of life" activities to promote a sense of normalcy. Currently, UP serves 30 clients and 27 of their young children - working every day to interrupt the generational cycle that our young adults clients find themselves in due to no fault of their own.
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Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley
Phone Number: 979-589-4305
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2622 Bryan, TX 77805
Office Address: 1733 Briarcrest Dr. Suite 209 Bryan, TX 77802