Texas Ramp Project BCS

About this Organization

Have you ever changed a person's life in a single day? In a few hours on any given day, the Bryan-College Station Region of the Texas Ramp Project gives freedom to the home-bound allowing them to leave their home safely and easily. With a new ramp, clients gain safe access, independence, improved quality of life, and easier exit in a fire or other emergency. Caregivers are relieved of physical labor, and elderly spouses are at less risk of assisting their loved ones on steps. The ramps also allow older adults to age safely in their own homes.

The Texas Ramp Project (TRP) builds ramps in over 40 Texas regions, including the Brazos Valley. TRP started out in Dallas in 1985 as a Kiwanis Club project and was extended statewide in 2006. Since 1985 the Texas Ramp Project has provided 27,000 ramps across the state of Texas which would be over 140 miles long if laid out end to end! In the Brazos Valley, we have built over 1100 wheelchair ramps totaling over 6 miles since beginning in 2009.

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