Five Burleson County residents were alarmed at the overpopulation of cats and dogs, many abandoned in their county. They formed Project SNIP of Burleson County to address this problem and provide pet clinics and pet education for the community. Low cost spay/neuter clinics are held monthly with financial support available to pet owners who cannot afford to "fix" their pets. SNIP also provides a TNR (trap, neuter, return) program for feral cats in Burleson County. Our TNR liaison humanely traps the cats and once they are spayed/neutered they are returned to their original habitat. 100% of funds received are used by Project SNIP to assist Burleson County residents with the pet overpopulation problem.
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Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley
Phone Number: 979-589-4305
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2622 Bryan, TX 77805
Office Address: 1733 Briarcrest Dr. Suite 209 Bryan, TX 77802