We are a team of volunteers who go to the country of Belize and conduct medical clinics in the villages of the Corozal District of Northern Belize. Our team consists of medical professionals; doctors, PA's, NP's, PT; an eye team that does exams and provides prescription glasses, reading glasses, and sunglasses; A Dental team; Pharmacy; and Lab. We assist the local Community Health workers by conducting teaching seminars, providing equipment and supplies so they can better treat their patients throughout the year. We provide canes, crutches, and wheelchairs to whoever needs them. All services and all medicines and equipment are provided free of charge.
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Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley
Phone Number: 979-589-4305
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2622 Bryan, TX 77805
Office Address: 1733 Briarcrest Dr. Suite 209 Bryan, TX 77802