Hope Pregnancy Center of Brazos Valley

About this Organization

Our hope is for women and men to cherish their pregnancies and nurture their children in a Christ-centered environment. All of our services are provided free of charge, thanks solely to blessings from individuals, churches, and organizations. We do not bill for services nor do we accept government funds. Our services include pregnancy testing, pregnancy options consultation with a peer advocate, limited obstetric ultrasounds, parenting education, Dadhood mentoring, material assistance, benevolence, pregnancy loss support, and post-abortion healing. Our parenting program teaches healthy pregnancy, healthy childbirth, and healthy lifestyles, as well as other topics such as Doctor Dad, What's in Your Wallet, Childbirth Prep, Overview of the Bible, and Nutrition Planning. Many international students, far away from home and culture, find relationship and encouragement through our care and programming. Our caring staff are keenly focused on understanding the needs of our clients and working closely with them to provide individualized care throughout their pregnancy.

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