BRAZOS VALLEY GIVES - A Regional Giving Day Initiative

About this Organization

BRAZOS VALLEY GIVES empowers individual donors and business leaders to come together to support causes close to their hearts - and where a small donor can feel just as important as a large donor. Everyone can be a philanthropist with a minimal donation of $10!

BRAZOS VALLEY GIVES provides citizens and businesses an easy platform to support the mission and "good works" of local nonprofits that serve the Brazos Valley.

501c3 nonprofits from throughout the 7-county region of the Brazos Valley [Brazos, Burleson, Grimes, Leon, Madison, Robertson and Washington Counties] are invited to participate in BRAZOS VALLEY GIVES for a minimal registration fee of $150 [Nonprofit partners that have a charitable endowment at the Community Foundation pay $50.]

This annual day of "giving where you live" is powered by the Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley, a 501c3 nonprofit organization located in Bryan, Texas. BRAZOS VALLEY GIVES is a gift from the Community Foundation. The Foundation does not benefit financially from BRAZOS VALLEY GIVES, rather all donations pass-thru directly to the donor's charity(ies) of choice.

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Brazos Valley GIVES

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