Brazos Valley Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse
About this Organization
Last fiscal year, BVCASA employed 116 full-time and 32 part-time staff to fulfill our mission. We provided 15,248 youth and adults with educational presentations, 5,909 youth and adults with safe and drug-free activities, 1,100 youth with curriculum-based education, 961 adults with residential substance abuse treatment, 633 adults with outpatient treatment, and supported the work of 3 community-based coalitions. These services were provided throughout 7 counties in the Brazos Valley, and 30 counties in HHSC Region 7 for the Prevention Resource Center. BVCASA addresses use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs through a wide array of evidence-based prevention, intervention, and treatment services, including: education programs focused on skills building and prevention techniques for elementary, middle school, and high school students; a youth coalition in Robertson County, a student coalition at Blinn College, and a student coalition at Bryan High School; free screening and referrals for individuals who may need treatment for substance abuse; adult and youth outpatient treatment; and supportive outpatient, outpatient relapse, supportive residential, and intensive residential relapse for individuals in the Texas criminal justice continuum of care.
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Community Foundation of the Brazos Valley
Phone Number: 979-589-4305
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2622 Bryan, TX 77805
Office Address: 1733 Briarcrest Dr. Suite 209 Bryan, TX 77802