Citadel Christian School

About this Organization

Established in 1993, as Brenham Christian Academy, the school has always been committed to honoring Christ through excellence in education. BCA provided 25 years of service to Washington and surrounding counties and developed a proud history of academic and athletic accomplishments. In our quest to maintain our commitment to Christ and to the provision of a highly effective education, we recognized the need to shift to a classical methodology. To reflect this change, we chose to rename the school Citadel Christian School--a place to defend the culture of western civilization and honor our commitment to Jesus Christ. The classical Christian methodology of education is consistent with the natural developmental stages of the child and produces in the student a biblical worldview from which to discern the right actions and thinking and from which to exercise a proper role in the family, in the body of Christ, and as a citizen.

Our kindergarten students learn to write in cursive and are reading on a 1st-grade level by mid-year. In the elementary classes (grammar stage), learning is almost exclusively focused on learning the foundational elements of each subject, such as memorization of math facts, learning basic grammar rules, gaining an understanding of the timeline of history, etc. Chants, jingles, and songs make memorization and learning fun. In the preteen and early teen years (the logic stage), instruction becomes more analytical, as children learn the arts of debate and critique along with a continuation of knowledge learning. These students are taught to discern what is true and what is false through classes in formal and informal logic. In the secondary years (the rhetoric stage), students are trained to write and speak with eloquence and originality, learning to persuade and to apply the knowledge and understanding they have acquired in their earlier years. At all stages, students are not provided with easy answers but must think deeply and work hard to accomplish the learning objectives.

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