Support The Bee Community

Created by Brilee Vacula

Benefiting The BEE Community

Fundraiser Story

The BEE Community exists to provide meaningful work and a place of belonging for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. BEE desires everyone- regardless of ability and capacity to experience the dignity and purpose that comes from employment and allow all to contribute their gifts! I have been working at BEE for one year and I and this place has changed me for the better! Getting a glimpse of heaven by working alongside individuals with all abilities is something I truly cherish and hope everyone gets to experience and be apart of!

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About the Organization

The BEE Community exists to provide meaningful work and a place of belonging for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the Brazos Valley through the handcrafting of high quality products like soaps, candles, dog treats, stationery, jewelry, and fudge.
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