Support Snook EEA Scholarships

Created by Cindy Jarrott

Benefiting Snook Extension Education Association (SnookEEA)

Fundraiser Story

EDUCATION is part of our name and Snook EEA is excited to award scholarships to graduating Snook High School Seniors who plan to attend a technical school, college, university or join a branch of the United States military. Scholarship amounts are determined annually by funds available. As Snook continues to grow, Snook EEA sees the need to increase in our scholarship funds to meet the needs of our future leaders. Your generous support will enable us to provide larger scholarships to more students, a powerful and diverse investment in tomorrow.  

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About the Organization

The mission of the Snook EEA Club is to work with the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service to strengthen and enrich families, in Burleson County, through educational programs, leadership development, scholarships, and community service.
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